Risk and risk management

Indutrade is exposed to a number of risks that could have a more or less significant impact on the Group. The risks are generally defined as factors affecting Indutrade’s ability to achieve set objectives.

Indutrade works continuously with assessment and evaluation of the risks to which the Group is exposed or could be exposed. A structured review of the Group’s exposure to various operational, financial and strategic risks is also conducted annually with representatives from the business areas and various functions. All identified risks are quantified and ranked based on their probability and potential effect. For all risks with either a high probability or a large potential effect, appropriate proactive measures are specified. The conclusions from the review are presented to, and then discussed among, Group management and the Board.

Many of the risks described here could affect the Company both positively and negatively. This means that in the event of a favourable risk development or if the Company is successful in mitigating the risk through its risk management activities, its goal achievement may be better than anticipated. In such way, risks also entail opportunities for Indutrade. Examples of this are the business climate, customer behaviours and variations in market prices.

At year-end 2023 Indutrade conducted business through more than 200 companies in 30 countries on six continents. This diversification of risk along with a large number of customers in a wide range of industries and a large number of suppliers in various technology areas limits the business risks.

Group risks

The most material risks


Corporate governance

Accounting and reporting

IT security


Fraud and corruption

Sustainability reporting

Risks associated with our companies

The most material risks


IT security


Fraud and corruption


Market and customers

Operational efficiency


People and the environment