Key Performance Indicators & Results

In order to reach the goals for 2030, Indutrade has defined a number of key ratios for each area. The goals and ratios will be evaluated each year to ensure that we are working effectively and to identify, measure and calculate the factors that affect Indutrade's long-term goals and our progress in achieving them.

Below, you can read more about the Key Performance Indicators and Results within each sustainability goal.

KPI People

Engaged people

KPI: percentage of companies measuring employee satisfaction/ engagement
Starting point 2020: 58%
Outcome 2021: 64%
Target 2025: 100%

Leadership and competence development

KPI: percentage of internal Managing Director appointments
Starting point 2020: 50%
Outcome 2021: 50%
Target 2025: 60%

Employee engagement

KPI: percentage of the Group’s overall employee retention rate
Starting point 2020: 90%
Outcome 2021: 89,5%
Target 2025: 85-90 %

Diversity and inclusion

KPI: percentage of subsidiary boards with women represented
Starting point 2020: 17%
Outcome 2021: 21%
Target 2025: 60%

Employee well-being

KPI: Group overall Sickness Absence rate (short-term and long-term sick leave)
Starting point 2020: 6.1 days/full-time employee
Outcome 2021: 8.1 days/full-time employee
Target 2025:
 4.3 days/full-time employee

Employee safety

KPI: Group overall Injury frequency rate1)
Starting point 2020: 3.2
Outcome 2021: 1.8
Target 2025: 1.6

1) Injury frequency rate is the number of injuries per 200,000 employee-hours worked.

KPI Environment

KPI Profitable Growth